On Sunday all partners gathered in Perugia for a week-meeting exchange programme.
Our hosts met us and we spent a nice and warm evening in the families. |
On Monday morning an opening ceremony took place where the host and guests had the possibilities to express their expectations for the exchange meeting. The partners visited the host school, Liceo Scientifico Statale Galileo Galilei and met the management staff.
The sport activities encouraged partners to know each other better for a future collaboration in performing the learning activities. The partners presented their collaborative tasks on the two topics chosen: the human eye and the optical prism, designed using genial.ly app and under international supervision. In the afternoon the partners met the local authorities and paid a visit to Umbria Gallery where they could observe and understand the usage of the principle of proportion in the realization process of the exposed exhibits. |
The partners went to Florence for a documetary visit. They could analyse the mechanical principles of some of the most remarkable machineries designed based on Leonardo's codices in Leonardo da Vinci Museum. The interactive exhibits allowed the visitors to experiment themselves some movement and flight principles using the 50 life-size machines, modeled after Leonardo’s designs.
The guided visit of the Uffizzi Gallery allowed the participants to get in touch with valuable information about the outstanding collections of impressive sculptures and paintings from the Middle Ages to the Modern period. One of the room is very famous thanks to some masterpieces by young Leonardo da Vinci, painted before he moved to Milan in 1482 in the service of Duke Ludovico il Moro. |
In the morning three workshops were performed simultaneously on Leonardo's flight craft modelling, escape room tasks and writing the online project diary.
In the afternoon a vivid history lesson about the middle-aged underground town captured the participants in a misterious interactive tour of Perugia centre. The two workshops at the P.O.S.T. on Leo's bridge challenge and drones taking off boosted the in-depth knowledge about the flight principles. The town perspective at the top of one of the towers was outstanding. |
The morning began with a bird behaviour observation activity connected to the migration phenomenon on Trasimeno lake.
An ornithologist explained the birds' monitoring procedure and showed the participants some good practice exemples. In the afternoon the participants went to a documentary visit to Assisi where they could analyse the way in which the principle of perspective evolved during periods of time at different painters. The last activity of the day involved the partners in a flight simulating procedure in a hang glider. |
The participants wrote about their experinces in the online project diary.
The robotics and programming workshops offered the partners the possibility to see two products made by the host students. They explained the way in which, using sensors, the robot can draw the map of a specific room. The day ended with a special meeting where students could celebrated having spent a week-time together, improving their skills by sharing and collaborating in performing the tasks. |